We are an animal rights advocacy organisation with a vision to create a world where all sentient beings have equal rights and autonomy. Founded in 2019, we are a registered Non Profit Association in Sri Lanka.
Through community participation, education and awareness building outreach programmes, welfare projects for elephants and those who care for elephants, legal action, lobbying for change in laws and policies along with staunch activism, we believe in changing attitudes of the people to achieve active participation of all Sri Lankans to bring about a positive change in the life of elephants and all other animals in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka is a biodiversity hotspot and home to asian elephant sub species Elephas maximus maximus and the species is listed "Endangered" by the IUCN. But Sri Lanka reports one of the worst human elephant conflict cases and one of the cruelest captive elephant industries of the world.
RARE has been recognised as the voice of the Sri Lankan elephant by elephant advocates and elephant lovers across the globe.
Not just elephants we work to expose and fight against cruelty inflicted on all animals, whether they are wild, domesticated, farm or companion animals and We strive to make human beings understand that non humans have rights to mother earth just like humans and that right is not less than that of the humans.
Our Objectives
Ending the captive elephant industry in Sri Lanka by 2043.
Work towards elevating conservation status of our wild elephant population.
Recognition of animals' sentient nature and rights by the Sri Lanka constitution.
Empower the next generation of female animal rights activists and conservationists to lead in advocacy.
Build more peaceful and prosperous interspecies relations.
RARE plan of action
Through community participation, education, welfare projects for elephants and those who care for elephants, legal action, lobbying for change in laws and policies along with staunch activism, we believe in changing attitudes of the people to achieve active participation of all Sri Lankans to bring about a positive change in the status of elephants and other animals in Sri Lanka.
RARE 3 Es of advocacy
Expose - Show the reality
Educate- Why and what is wrong and correct, and how to correct it.
Evolve - The society changes by itself
“The birds in the sky and all animals on earth, have a right equal to that of the human to dwell freely as they will and desire.”
— Arahath Mahinda 247 BCE