

RARE believes in exposing the ugly truth of the situation of animals as the first step of liberation of animals and ensuring animals retain their rights and autonomy.

It has resulted in threats and even physical violence to our team. We, however, continue unabated to be the voice for the voiceless.

We conduct thorough and responsible investigations before divulging facts to the public, exposing animal rights violations.

We make frequent visits to captive elephants to monitor the welfare situation.

We visit protected wildlife areas to observe and monitor violations by visitors and mismanagement by authorities.

We visit human elephant conflict striken areas to understand the conflict from the humans perception.

We further use the data gathered to complain and advise solutions to the authorities and create campaigns and content for awareness building programmes.

Due to the constraints imposed by Covid-19 and the subsequent collapse of Sri Lanka’s economy we have faced immense financial obstacles involving travelling to reported locations around the country to gather vital first hand evidence for our cases.

You can make a difference to the life of an abused animal by choosing to fund our logistical expenses for these visits.

“The birds in the sky and all animals on earth, have a right equal to that of the human to dwell freely as they will and desire.”

Arahath Mahinda 247 BCE