

RARE engages and operates in society at many different levels. While we are on a constant watchout for any acts of animal abuse and work tirelessly to maintain and improve welfare of animals, we also emphasise on the importance of appreciating and encouraging caretakers, mahouts, custodians, individuals and organisations who genuinely care for the welfare of animals.

Through relationships built via many of our welfare projects we hope to cultivate principles of "value to life" and "equal rights to all sentient beings".


  • Captive Elephant Footcare & Welfare Programme with Elephant Care Unchained 2021-2022

  • Mahout Incentive Programme 2022

  • Qurantine/ Curfew street dog feeding programmes 2019, 2021, 2022

  • Rescue Service for endangered Purple Faced Langur Monkeys during Qurantine/ Curfew in 2020-2021

  • Daily street dog feeding in Thalahena

“The birds in the sky and all animals on earth, have a right equal to that of the human to dwell freely as they will and desire.”

Arahath Mahinda 247 BCE