

Every Saturday morning there is a very different kind of class happening in the Thambalawewa area, Polonnaruwa district. 80-100 children attend from three villages striken by Human Elephant Conflict.

In collaboration with the Nimble Fingers Women’s Society (NFWS), whilst the N.F.W.S members weave, we run workshops for the children. We conduct animal rights & environmental education classes in English. English builds agency in children and expands their horizons, and thus is a vital requirement in Sri Lanka. Cultivating values of compassion, empathy and love towards animals in children not only changes our future but children take the values home to their parents too.

The curriculum is designed by us at RARE. Books and other facilities are provided by NFWS and we physically attend as often as our budget permits. We train assistant teachers in the area to teach the children when we can’t afford to travel.


  • You can sponsor our workshops

  • Join to assist in classes if you have funds for travel and lodging.

  • Submit animal related poems if you have them

  • We want English speaking people to visit to expand the exposure of the children

    Education changes attitudes and changed attitudes EVOLVE society, benefitting all, both human and non human

“The question is - are we happy to suppose that our grand children may never be able to see an elephant except in a picture book?”

Sir David Attonborough